dedicated childcare room in modern gym
Kid Friendly Activities
Childcare and Fitness Programs
dedicated childcare room in modern gym
Kid Friendly Activities
Childcare and Fitness Programs
dedicated childcare room in modern gym
Kid Friendly Activities
Childcare and Fitness Programs


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Fitness Programs for Children

Harbor Square is dedicated to helping kids be the healthiest & happiest they can be!

We are pleased to offer age-appropriate activities including swimming, basketball, yoga, racquetball, and tennis instruction.

We believe in whole family fitness, and that's why we offer activities for all ages! Our KidZone is the perfect place for those 11 years old and under to get their wiggles out in a secure play area.

Children 11 & under may come into the club to utilize the racquetball and basketball courts ONLY with adult supervision. Children under age of 12 are not allowed to wait in the lobby or waiting areas without adult supervision.

kids playing in dedicated childcare room in modern gym

Children over age 12 are allowed to use the main club without adult supervision and must be added onto the membership.

Children over age 12 are welcome to workout on our cardio equipment and in the weight room, once they have passed a guided tour with one of our personal trainers. Children 12 and 13 must attend group fitness classes with a parent or guardian.

Aquatics policies for children are different; please visit the Aquatics page for details.

kids playing in dedicated childcare room in modern gym

There is no shortage of age-appropriate activities designed with our member's children in mind. We offer a variety of swimming lessons and family swim times, Kid's Swim Club, Junior Tennis Lessons and summer sports camps.

Life-long fitness begins at Harbor Square Athletic Club!

child playing in gym

Kid's Night Out! Date Night for Parents! Fun for Kids!

child playing in dedicated childcare room in modern gym

Drop your kids off for themed activities, swimming, gym games, pizza, entertainment, snacks, and more!

September – June
3rd Friday night of the month
5:30 pm – 9:00 pm

For HSAC member’s children in Kindergarten – 5th grade
1st child $40, each additional $20